
Showing posts from 2011

LaTeX in Blogger with Google Chart API

Important: The Image Charts portion of Google Chart Tools, including TeX functionality, has been officially deprecated as of April 20, 2012. It will continue to work as per Google's deprecation policy . It's not certain that this will be bye-bye to TeX functionality; as the deprecation policy says, it will be clear at least when it's April 20, 2015. Here is my homework report about eigenfaces in PDF ( Image Recognition and Understanding: Eigenfaces ). This PDF document was written in LaTeX , a well-recognized typesetting language and system. For writing equations beautifully in your document, I can't think anything competitive to LaTeX. And thanks to its popularity, some people decided to create web APIs for LaTeX: one such example is Google Chart API's TeX component. And with a Firefox Add-on ' Greasemonkey ' and this LaTeX-for-Blogger script ( ), you can insert a LaTeX image into your post easily.

My First Japanese Post 初めての日本語投稿

海外留学したわけでもなく、日本に住んでる日本人のくせに今まで英語で投稿ばかりしてきたので、気分転換に日本語で投稿する。これが日本語での初投稿なんだから変な感じだ。 投稿して気付いたけど、日本語のフォント見た目変だな。プレゼンテーションのスライド作りの合間か終了後にささっと直すか、どうせCSS1行程度で直りそうだし。些細な事だけど、To-doリストに追加。

A Private Mac Mercurial Server with SSH Key Authentication

Now, a private Mac Mercurial server with  SSH key authentication was set up. I already pushed my main project to the server and updated it at the server side, so repository migration has started without a hitch. But I didn't migrate the subprojects of the main project and some lingering/untended/rogue projects to the server, because they have their own choices of VCSs or none at all: I already smells a trouble, a delicious one. I know there are inter-VCS plugins out there for Mecurial, I'm looking forward using them. So, assuming you have an administrative privilege, here are instructions of how to set up a private SSH Mercurial server.

Xcode: Easy Shared & Static Lib Management and Linking

In Xcode, you can add existing frameworks (binary shared/static libraries or Apple's packaged framework) to a target in your project by choosing from the framework list or drag'n'drop from Finder. Several libraries under "Frameworks" group (e.g. libBusted.a) Benefit of doing this is obvious: you can manage and see what libraries your program is linked to. However, after doing that, I noticed one thing. Xcode does not link shared/static libraries in a simple way like: gcc -o qux libfoo.dylib libbar.a buz.o Instead, when libraries are going to be added, Xcode obtains paths to the directories containing these libraries, and appends these to the build setting "Library Search Path" of the target. So that the actual linking looks like: gcc -L/path/to/foobar -o qux -lfoo libbar.a buz.o Compared to the former, even though orthodox, linking in the latter is indirect. I like the former method because it's simple and error-free even though it somewh...

Transition Mayhem: Xcode 4 (and Symbol Visibility Side Note)

P.S. To guys here for " illegal text reloc to vtabl e" or " bad codegen " of Xcode 4 If you enrolled one of Apple Developer Programs, preferably Mac Developer Program, you should visit the exclusive web forum at Apple Developer Connection ( ). I found a thread where one of OGRE library developers mentioning he found info about this "illegal text reloc to vtable" or "bad codegen" things at that forum. Something like Apple tightened up their policy on how to resolve symbols in Xcode 4. Unfortunately, I didn't enroll any of Apple Developer Programs, and don't know the detail. I like Xcode because this is the first IDE I got used to, but I don't like Xcode 4 not working as I want. Let me cut to the point, I have a problem compiling my project in Xcode 4. Compiling goes well in Xcode 3, but in Xcode 4, illegal text reloc to vtable or bad codegen things comes up to slap the back of my head e...

A Post

It's good to keep a diary, people in general are forgetful, including me. "Blog" is the shortened form of "web log", as the name has it, I'll keep a log of my daily happenings. Anyway, I found programming to my liking, so I'm going to post some self-indulgent mumbo-jumbo about C/C++ - occasionally other languages perhaps? - to this innocent, untouched blog. Ooops! Now I touched that! It's no longer innocent. So, this is how things start, right?