Transition Mayhem: Xcode 4 (and Symbol Visibility Side Note)
P.S. To guys here for " illegal text reloc to vtabl e" or " bad codegen " of Xcode 4 If you enrolled one of Apple Developer Programs, preferably Mac Developer Program, you should visit the exclusive web forum at Apple Developer Connection ( ). I found a thread where one of OGRE library developers mentioning he found info about this "illegal text reloc to vtable" or "bad codegen" things at that forum. Something like Apple tightened up their policy on how to resolve symbols in Xcode 4. Unfortunately, I didn't enroll any of Apple Developer Programs, and don't know the detail. I like Xcode because this is the first IDE I got used to, but I don't like Xcode 4 not working as I want. Let me cut to the point, I have a problem compiling my project in Xcode 4. Compiling goes well in Xcode 3, but in Xcode 4, illegal text reloc to vtable or bad codegen things comes up to slap the back of my head e...